The Orwell Society
Promoting the understanding and appreciation of the life and works of George Orwell
Patron: Richard Blair

If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
Political language – and with variations this is true of all political parties, from Conservatives to Anarchists – is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.
Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four.
Political language has to consist largely of euphemism, question-begging and sheer cloudy vagueness.
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.

Latest Articles
Strange Meeting
Orwell and Henry Miller by Dr. Jennifer Cowe Henry Miller arguably has a lot to thanks George Orwell for, at least posthumously. He is rarely read in university level courses and is most often included in the mid- twentieth century dinosaur category of writers who have become somewhat passé of late. It is his inclusion... Read full article.
John Drinkwater
Introduction. George Orwell mentioned in his writings many people who were once household names, at least to the educated, but who are today only remembered by specialist historians. One such man was John Drinkwater, mentioned twice by Orwell in his non-fiction, while Gordon Comstock the central character of Orwell’s 1936 novel Keep the Aspidistra Flying... Read full article.
Vansittart’s “hate Germany” pamphlets
1941 “There is now more and more division of opinion—the question is implicit from the start but people have only recently become aware of it—as to whether we are fighting the Nazis or the German people. This is bound up with the question of whether England should declare her war aims, or, indeed, have any... Read full article.
Annual Surveys of New Books
Books about George Orwell Published in 2023 An Orwell Society George Talk moderated by L J Hurst with Professor Peter Stansky and D J Taylor Books about George Orwell published in 2024 An Orwell Society George Talk moderated by L J Hurst with Douglas Kerr, Teika Marija Smits, and D J Taylor ... Read full article.
The Orwell Society
The Orwell Society is a membership organisation for George Orwell enthusiasts and scholars worldwide, with a charitable purpose to promote the public understanding and appreciation of Orwell’s life and work. The Society’s patron is Richard Blair, Orwell’s son. This is the pre-eminent society devoted to Orwell – and is open to all worldwide. The Society… Read more.
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Benefits of joining The Orwell Society include a twice-yearly printed Journal, regular Orwell-related news, the chance to attend events and online George Talks and the right to vote at our AGM.
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